Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weekly Update....March is Here!!!!

Hello Running Friends,

Today is March 4th, only 33 days until the St. Louis marathon ! There are 21 Running Friends heading to St. Louis to run the half / full marathon on April 6. Registration does not close until the end of March, come join us !

Our running schedule for this week is the same :

Wednesday and Thursday near the MHS tennis courts @ 5 p.m.
Saturday (the Y) and Sunday (MHS) @ 8 a.m.

Our last 20 mile run is scheduled for March 16th (Palm Sunday). We are meeting in the parking lot of "Old Menards" at the mall @ 6 a.m. to carpool to Coralville. Nancy Foxen is familiar with the course and thinks it will be a fun adventure for our group. Running Wild organizes this 7 a.m. training run, they set out water on the course for the runners. If interested in joining us, contact Nancy : mhtml:%7BA94E5E45-E512-4D2D-A9CD-A0A1B77B55E9%7Dmid://00000146/! or respond to this e-mail.

We need a color scheme for this weekend's runs. I feel terrible knowing that many of you spent needless hours in your closets trying to figure out what color to wear in the past couple of weeks since I forgot to tell you what the color scheme was ! Let's wear PURPLE on Saturday and GOLD on Sunday.

Keep Running ! Keep Smiling !


P.S. Some of you may not be aware of this but Joe Timmsen slipped out of town last weekend to run in Arkansas. Joe ran the Little Rock marathon on Sunday. How did he fare? Well, he QUALIFIED FOR BOSTON ! CONGRATULATIONS JOE !


The pictures above are from this past Saturday's and Sunday's runs. Wonderful friends, fun runs. I am thankful for all of you !

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