Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weekly from the Lyon Den

Hello Running Friends,

August has arrived ... it's been a warm one so far !

Happy Birthday to:

Charles Potter (Saturday - August 9)

Laurie Eash (Saturday - August 9)

Steve Hammann (Sunday - August 10)

Lisa Longtin ( Monday - August 11)


This past Saturday, Nancy Foxen, Mario Garcia, Brett Guerra and Joe Timmsen ran the Crimestoppers race in Moline. All did very well ! Way to go ! Congratulations !

This week's practice runs:

Wednesday and Thursday at MHS @ 5 p.m.

Saturday at the Y @ 8 a.m. (Anyone interested in running a long run,
be there at 6:30 a.m. We'll be back at the Y by 8 to run 7-8 more miles.)
(Color scheme : Let's wear yellow/gold.

Sunday at MHS @ 8 a.m.


This Friday night @ 7 p.m. is the 5k Durant Dusk Hustle.


Next Saturday (the 16th) is the Watermelon Stampede @ 8 a.m.


Next Sunday (the 17th) is the Du-State-Du at Loud Thunder.


On Saturday, August 23rd, we will be having a meeting about the St. Charles marathon at the Button Factory @ 12:30. We will discuss carpooling, hotel accomodations, etc. Everyone is invited to join us.


A message from Nancy Shell : (Wishing you well, Nancy !)

My sister, Kathryn Keating, and I leave this Thursday, August 7th, for Chicago. We will be joining thousands of women and men on Friday morning at the Northbrook Court Shopping Center to begin our Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk. Opening ceremonies begin at 6:30am with community stretching. There will be "pit stops" every few miles and lunch served during the day. We can not run on the course so I won't be doing any running, unfortunately. They will be making sure we drink lots of fluids and stretch at every stop.
My walker ID is 1547261 and our tent address will be G99.

On Friday, August 8th, we will be walking through the Chicago Botanic Gardens, Winnetka IL, and Mallenckrodt Park on our way to our camp site. Our camp site appears to be on forest preserve land near the Des Plains River near Des Plains IL. We will be encouraged to eat first upon reaching camp, then to shower in "shower trucks" being provided for our use. There will even be entertainment both nights in camp.

On Saturday, August 9th, we will leave camp and walk in a large loop through the suburbs of Des Plaines, Mt. Prospect, and Arlington Heights. On Sunday, August 10th, we will be bussed from camp to the Skokie area. From there, we will walk into downtown Chicago, past Lincoln Park and Zoo, Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Field Museum, and finish with a victory lap and closing ceremonies in Soldier's Field at 4:30pm.

This trip is something my sister and I have wanted to do ever since she fought her battle with breast cancer in 2002. It has been our dream and goal! Kathy and I plan to celebrate her six cancer-free years while on the journey and have the time of our lives. We also want to thank and show our appreciation with every step we take to everyone who donated to us and helped make this possible. I have raised $3500 for the walk and my sister raised almost $2500. When we started in April, we never thought we would raise almost $6000 to help find a cure for cancer. We will be wearing shirts the first day which list all our corporate sponsors. On the third day, I will be wearing a pink shirt on which I have written the names of every person who donated or helped me. There are over 100 names on it!! That's a lot of help that I have had!!!

Kathy and I will be making it a very memorable trip together--the culmination of our dream. We will be going to Medieval Times in Chicago the night before the Walk begins. On Monday, the day after the Walk finishes, we will be touring the Frank Lloyd Wright home and workshop in Oak Park before we return to Iowa. We both have an interest in his life and work.

Teri, if anyone is interested, this is a link to the "Supporter Guide" web page. There is supposed to be a LIVE webcam showing walkers each day on the course. I don't know how well it will work. If I see the cameras, I will be sure to wave.
And I am taking a camera and hope to have photos to share from our journey.

Below is a map of the course but it doesn't show the detail of exactly what streets we will be walking. It's just a general map to show where in the Chicago area we will be walking.

Your friend always,
Nancy Shell

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