Friday, August 15, 2008

and they walked....

The Chicago 3-Day Walk was amazing! I have never been to anything so positive and upbeat. I loved every minute of it. I met a lot of wonderful people. The police department of one of the suburbs we walked through all wore pink shirts on Saturday to honor and support us.
A group of 12 men are walking all 14 of the 3-Day Walks this year around the country. (The Chicago walk was the first of them.) The men call themselves the 60-Mile Men. They made a calendar (partially nude) similar to the Calendar Girls from England. I bought one of their 2009 calendars. It is wonderful. They are not all hunks but Mr. June is a stud. It may be June all year at my house next year. My sister and I met Mr. June. He offered to help us with our tent. We got our picture taken with him.

Besides all the volunteers encouraging us each day, family and friends were able to cheer us at "Cheering Stations". It was awesome to walk through a large group of cheering people who were giving us treats, shaking our hands, thanking us for walking, and hugging us. And strangers along the streets would honk their cars and wave, kids would have tables along the course passing our drinks, etc.

My sister and I ended up raising about $6000. The highest amount raised by one of the walkers was almost $150,000. Altogether the Chicago 3-Day walk raised $6,100,000 to help fight cancer and find a cure. Isn't that amazing!!!

Our feet got sore, especially at the end of the first day, and we were tired each night but it was a good tired. We were really "pumped up" by the time we finished at Soldier's Field on Sunday afternoon. It was a very emotional closing ceremony. I think it was very good for my sister to see so many people working so hard to fight cancer.

I have some great pictures I would love to show people when time.

Take care,


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